Головна / Уроксторінка 20

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Урок 11. Контроль навичок читання

Урок 11. Контроль навичок  читання Reading The angry fan This happened in Australia, during a water-polo game that was one of the main sports events of the season. There was nothing ex­citing at the beginning of the game; but suddenly ...

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Урок 12. Найпопулярніші види спорту. Екстримальні і незвичайні види спорту.

Урок 12. Найпопулярніші види спорту. Екстримальні і незвичайні види спорту. EXTREME AND UNUSUAL SPORTS Think about: 1) What sport do you think is the most dangerous? 2) What sport do you think is the most expensive? 3) What extreme sports ...

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Урок 14. Контроль навичок говоріння

Урок 14. Контроль навичок  говоріння Speaking Test Chose one of the topics below and make a talk about 1.Earth in danger Which is more important, increasing people’s standard of living, or protecting the environment? Who do you think is more ...

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