Головна / Урок / Урок 4. The Geographical Position of Ukraine

Урок 4. The Geographical Position of Ukraine

 The Geographical Position of Ukraine

Today we will talk about the geographical position  of Ukraine.


Task 1. Match the Ukrainian proverbs with the beginning of their equivalents. Complete the English proverbs.

1) Всюди добре, а вдома
2) Нема ніде краще, як
3) Всяк кулик до свого болота звик.
  1. a) There is no place …
  2. b) Every bird likes …
  3. c) East or West …


Task 2. Do you know the main geographical terms? Let’s check your knowledge. Say what it is:
The most important town in a country …
A large town …
A big piece of water with land around it …
A large stream of water that flows across the land …
A land occupied by a nation …
People living in a place, country, etc …
To be next to …

Task 3.  Read and pronounce correctly. Learn by heart
Ukraine [ju’krein] Crimea [kraɪˈmiːə]

Poland [ˈpəʊlənd]

Slovakia [slə(ʊ)ˈvakɪə] Hungary [ˈhʌŋgərɪ]

Romania [r(ə)ʊˈmeɪnɪə] Moldova [mɒlˈdəʊvə] Belarus [,b?l?ur ?s] Russia [ˈrʌʃə] Task 4. Look through the text and match the questions with the answers:

The Geographical Position of Ukraine

Ukraine is situated in the eastern part of Europe. It borders on Russia in the east, Belorussia in the north, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova in the west. Ukraine is washed by the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea in the south.

The area of Ukraine is more than 603,000 sq km. The most part of its area is flat. There are the Crimean Mountains in the south and the Carpathians in the west.

The territory of our country lies in three main zones: mixed forests, forest-steppes and steppes.

The flora and fauna of our country are extremely rich. The nature of Ukraine is especially beautiful. There are 131 rivers in Ukraine. The longest rivers are the Dniester, the Donets, the Bug. The rivers of Ukraine are navigable.

There are more than three hundred cities and towns in Ukraine. The biggest of them are Kharkiv, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Lviv, Odessa, Mikolayiv, Kherson, Kerch are the most important ports of Ukraine.

The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. It is an administrative, industrial, scientific and cultural centre.

Ukraine is rich in mineral resources: coal, oil, gas, different ores. Some of them are of industrial importance.

Ukraine is a developed industrial country. Ukraine produces up-to-date instruments, electronic microscopes, synthetic diamonds.

Ukraine is an agricultural country. Its soil is fertile.

The geographical position of Ukraine is favourable for maintaining close eco­nomic relations with many European countries.


  1. What countries does Ukraine border on?
  2. What is the territory and population of Ukraine?
  3. Is Ukraine a member of the UN organization?
  4. What mineral resources is Ukraine rich in?
  5. What does Ukraine produce?
  6. a) Today Ukraine produces modern supersonic air liners, grain harvesters, etc.
    b) It is one of the founding members of the UN organization.
    c) Ukraine borders on Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Belarus, Russia.
    d) The territory of Ukraine is 603,700 sq.km. and its population is more than 48 million.
    e) Ukraine is rich in coal, iron, manganese ore, oil, gas, nickel, graphite, marble, etc.


Task 5. Read the text again and write down the Key-facts about Ukraine.

Total area:

Extension: from East to West:
from North to South:

Borders on:
Largest cities:

Main river:
Mineral resources:

Task 6. Translate the sentences
– Україна знаходиться в Східній Європі.
– Україна межує з Угорщиною на заході.
– Україна омивається Чорним і Азовським морями на півдні.
– Україна багата на корисні копалини.
– Дніпро – одна з найдовших річок України.
– Львів – одне з найстародавніших міст України.
– Україна – незалежна держава.
Task 7. Fill in the gaps with the words
bank, wash, longest, rivers, European, population, devoted,
snowball-tree, mineral resources, capital, mountains.

  • Ukraine is a____ country.
  • The____ of our Motherland is Kyiv.
  • It is on the____ of the Dnipro River.
  • The Black Sea and the Azov Sea____ Ukraine.
  • There are beautiful____ in our country: the Carpathian

______ and the Crimean____ .
6. There are many____ in our country: the Dnipro, the
Dniester and the Bug.

  • The____ river is the Dnipro.
  • The____ of Ukraine is 48 million people.
  • Ukraine is rich in____ .
  • Ukrainians have always been____ to their Motherland.
  • People sing song about a____ and plant it near their


Метки уроков: 85 група
Вернуться к: Англійська мова – 85 група

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