Головна / Урок / Урок 9. Контроль аудіювання

Урок 9. Контроль аудіювання

  1. Listen to the text ‘From Travellers’ Stories by Eliza Lee Follen



to gild – золотити    to spout – вивергати струмінь  mane – грива on the lookout – на посту спостереження to curtsy – робити реверанс


Task 1.  Put « +» if the statement is true and « – » if the statement is false

  1. At six o’clock in the morning, they were out of sight of land.
  2. On Sunday it was very cold.
  3. The sun gradually sinking in the west.
  4. The traveller saw whales spouting on Sunday morning.
  5. In a moment the deck was cleared.
  6. The people on the ship saw the iceberg in summer.


Task 2.  Choose a correct answer

  1. At four o’clock in the afternoon:
    1. we were out of sight of land.
    2. we couldn’t see land.
    3. we saw an iceberg.
    4. we set sail.
  2. The traveller used many words to describe the first day of the journey, EXCEPT:
    1. long
    2. inspiring
    3. magnificent
    4. solemn
  3. On the first evening of the journey the traveller noticed how the moon:
    1. was full.
    2. touched the waters.
    3. was low on the horizon.
    4. was dancing in the sky.
  4. On Sunday the weather was:
    1. warm and windy.
    2. cold and still.
    3. warm and still.
    4. cold and windy.
  5. On Sunday the traveller decided to stay on deck in order to:
    1. breathe the fresh salty air.
    2. have breakfast.
    3. avoide sickness.
    4. see the Steamship America.
  6. All of these words were used to describe the iceberg EXCEPT:
    1. calm
    2. white
    3. lonely
    4. Enormous
Метки уроков: 76 група
Вернуться к: Англійська мова. 76 група

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