Головна / Урок / Урок 2. Державний устрій України.

Урок 2. Державний устрій України.

1) Translate the word-combinations: Read and pronounce correctly the words and word-combinations



3.Verkhovna Rada


5.Cabinet of Ministers



8.national symbols




2) Do you know the meaning of the following words?

1.to adopt

2.to declare

3.to elect



6.judicial power

7.the Supreme Court

  1. 8. anthem
  2. 9. monetary unit
  3. 10. official language


3) Match the words

  1. to adopt              a) виконавчий
  2. to declare          b) законодавчий
  3. to elect                c) громадянин

4.judicial                 d) приймати

  1. legislative           e) вибирати
  2. citizen                   f) декларувати
  3. executive             g) герб
  4. court                      h) юридичний

9.anthem                  i) суд

10.emblem                j) гімн
4)Complete the gaps with one of the words from the previous tasks.
Семантизація нової лексики
1. Revolution in Ukraine was caused by the changing political course of ___________Yanukovich

Революція в Україні була спричинена зміною політичного курсу президента Януковича

  1. The majority of Ukrainian______________ want to live in the European Union

Більшість громадян України хочуть жити в Євросоюзі
3. On the Maidan people often sаng the ___________of Ukraine to support the will and spirit

На Майдані люди часто співали Гімн України для підтримки волі й духу
4. Ukrainians respect their _____________-Аnthem,Emblem, Flag

Українці поважають свої національні символи- гімн, герб, прапор

  1. Revolution _____________that the people want changes for better

Революція декларувала, що люди хочуть змін на краще
6. On the 22nd of February _____________sent the President resign

22 лютого Верховна Рада відправила президента у відставку

  1. The Verkhovna Rada___________ a Law on the recognition of the Crimea and Sevastopol occupied territory

Верховна Рада прийняла Закон по визнанню Криму та Севастополя окупованою територією
8. The___________ power will be changed and will have more power

Виконавча влада буде змінена і отримає більше повноважень

  1. Yellow-blue ____________of Ukraine is known and respected all over the world

Жовто-блакитний прапор України знають і поважають в усьому світі

2.2.Pre-reading activity

  1. What kind of state is Ukraine?
  2. Do you know the date of declaration of Ukraine as a republic?
  3. What symbols of Ukraine do you know?
  4. Who is the Head of the state?
  5. When do we Celebrate the Constitution Day?

6.Who was the first president of Ukraine?

7.When was a new president elected?

8.Who has the right to vote in the elections?

9.How many regions is Ukraine divided into?

10.What is the Fundamental Law of our country?


It’s important to be aware of the political system of your home country. Let’s read the text.

Political System
Legislativepower Executivepower Judicialpower
The VerkhovnaRada The Cabinet of Ministers The Supreme Court


                                       The Political System of Ukraine

1/On the 24th of August, 1991, Ukraine proclaimed its independence. Nowadays Ukraine is a free independent state. By the form of government it combines the elements of presidential and parliamentary republic.

2/A new Constitution adopted on the 28th of June 1996 declared Ukraine a republic. It includes the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and 24 administrative regions.

3/The Constitution outlines the structure of the national government and specifies its powers and duties. Under the Constitution the powers of the government are divided into three branches

4/The legislative power  consists of the Verkhovna Rada, the executive power is  headed by the President, and the judicial power  is led by the Supreme Court.

5/The parliament – the Verkhovna Rada is the only body of the legislative power in Ukraine. There are 450 peoples deputies who are elected for a term of four years on the basis of universal, equal suffrage by the secret ballot.

6/The Verkhovna Rada`s main function is making laws. The Verkhovna Rada adopts the State Budget for the period from January 1 to December 31 and controls the execution of it. The monetary unit of Ukraine is the Hrуvnia.

7/The President of Ukraine is the head of the state and speaks on behalf of it. He is elected directly by the voters for a term of five years

8/The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Ministers. It is responsible to the President and is accountable to the Verkhovna Rada.

9/ It carries out domestic and foreign policy of the State, the fulfilment of the Constitution, as well as the acts of the President, develops and fulfils national programs on the economic, scientific and technological, social and cultural development of Ukraine.

10/Justice in Ukraine is exercised entirely by courts. It is administered by the Constitution Court and by courts of general jurisdiction. The Supreme Court of Ukraine is the highest juridical body of general jurisdiction.


Home task: answer the questions

  1. When did Ukraine proclaim its independence?
  2. When was Constitution of Ukraine adopted?
  3. How many branches the powers are divided?
  4. What does the legislative power consist of?
  5. How many deputies are elected for a term of four years?
  6. What is a monetary unit of Ukraine?
  7. Who elects the President?
  8. What is the highest body of the executive power?
  9. What does Verkhovna Rada do?

10.What is the highest juridical body of general jurisdiction?


Метки уроков: 85 група
Вернуться к: Англійська мова – 85 група

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